welcome to this special “going on holiday” edition of this newsletter. If all goes well you’ll receive the next issue from the beach/pool in the dominican republic.

I wrote a blog about more sustainable open source software development Link to heading

In my opinion one of the big challenges in open-source is sustainability for developers. This can be seen from two ways: once ease of publishing and also having enough time for oss development. For the latter being payed to maintain and develop surely helps. Last weekend I came by the concept of “sponsorware” and wrote a blog about it.

A Simple Command Line Notebook Link to heading

I recently found dnote, but could not yet try it out. Its main focus is to provide a command line client for note taking, but also provides a PWA for non cli access

The authors is providing a cloud service for syncing between clients, but this part can be self-hosted as well.

BulletNotes - Personal Knowledgebase, Note Taking, Scheduling Link to heading

While looking for alternatives to Workflowy I came again across BulletNotes. Its provided as a hosted service, but can be run completely locally as well.

Flowy - A Workflowy clone that works offline, signed out and allows plugging in your own storage Link to heading

Flowy is another Workflowy alternative. It allows offline usage in the browser thanks to being a PWA and has plugable backend storage backends.

DKIM demystified Link to heading

In hos blog DKIM demystified Dimitar goes into details about one of the most important pieces in modern mail setups.

Whalebrew - Homebrew, but with Docker images Link to heading

Homebrew is a popular way to run additional programs on a Mac and whalebrew goes a step further by providing these additional programs in isolated Docker containers. Whalebrew here takes care of properly aliasing utilities.

Heimdall - Self-hosted personal email guardian with one-step deployment Link to heading

Heimdall is another entry in the series of email forwarders. It’s main focus is on easy deployment of single user services. Sadly its at the fringes of self-hosting since its meant to be deployed on AWS.

How to deploy on remote Docker hosts with docker-compose Link to heading

In this blog on the official Docker blog a nice new feature is shown. Docker already supported for a while to directly interface with remove Docker daemons via ssh, but a recent addition now allows bookmarking connections via so called “contexts”. Even docker-compose is able to handle these contexts and therefore give way for very easy deployment of local stacks.

Howto: Building the Site With Drone Link to heading

The blog of Kevin shows how to use the CI platform Drone to deploy a blog written in Hugo. I have had Drone already on my list to play with for a while, this blog inspired me to actually play with it last weekend.

I am always looking for new projects to try out! Just send an email to selfhosted-newsletter@9wd.eu.

I hope you have enjoyed this issue. If this newsletter was useful to you please recommend it to colleges or tell them to subscribe to it via RSS.

Have a nice weekend! Felix