About me

Hello, my name is Felix Bartels and I am originally from Hannover (Germany), where I also completed my bachelor’s degree in “Business Information Systems” at the Fachhochschule Hannover. I currently live in Pijnacker (The Netherlands), which is located halfway between Rotterdam and The Hague.

I am not a developer, but sometimes a plumber who knows how to put the pieces together. I have ideas. I like to test and play. Understand and document. Talk about and improve open source software (OSS).

Even though I see all the colours of the rainbow, I sometimes like to look at problems (sometimes with a sarcastic tone) as if they were only black and white. In IT, things either work or they don’t. And even if it only occasionally doesn’t work, you can’t say it doesn’t work at all.

But it’s also good to remember that something that doesn’t work for one person might be the perfect solution for someone else.

For more than ten years I have made my living working with and supporting OSS. And while I would not describe myself as an extrovert, I enjoy engaging with communities to offer insight, input, support and assistance. You could even say that sharing knowledge is a passion of mine, as an extension of it I enjoy giving training and webinars/talks through my workplace.

Use the “Get in contact” button if you want to discuss a project.