Cloudron is a platform to easily install, run and maintain apps on a publicly hosted server. Apps are installed from an app store and the server as well as installed apps can automatically update once a newer version is available. Cloudron also takes care of backups (for example nightly and before performing an update) which makes it easy to either roll back to an older version or in case of hardware failure restore a system (incl. installed apps and app data) to a new host.
Installing the cloudron cli on Ubuntu Link to heading
sudo apt install nodejs-legacy npm
sudo npm install -g cloudron
A few hints regarding development of Cloudron apps
One off command to build, install and follow logs of an app: Link to heading
cloudron build && cloudron install && cloudron logs -f
Apps installed from the Cloudron appstore cannot be directly updated with local builds. Instead one needs to pass the app id when calling install:
cloudron install --app 778fa79a-7f96-418e-8810-b16c1a8a7ea2
Install an app in "debug mode" (will not execute when running the app):
cloudron install --debug
Get a shell in the mail app Link to heading
docker exec -ti mail /bin/bash