August 2, 2013Mit dem Lite-Mode das unglaublich lahme neue Google Maps wieder flott machen | Linux und Ich
In den Lite-Modus wechseln: 3D-Modus aktivieren: Standardeinstellungen wieder aktivieren: -
August 1, 2013Why is OOF an OOF and not an OOO?
Here's an interesting historical question - when we say Out of Office, why does it sometimes get shortened to ‘OOF’? Shouldn’t it be ‘OOO’? Inside Microsoft, ‘OOF’ means not just the message which says you’re Out of Office, but it has grown to mean the act of being Out of the Office too - so you’ll get people putting sticky notes on their door saying ‘OOF Thurs & Fri’ or even people verbally saying things like, "Oh, Kevin’s OOF on vacation for the rest of the week’. I suppose that sounds better than "Oh, Kevin’s OOO on vacation ..." OOF was a command used in the days of Microsoft’s Xenix mail system, which set a user as ‘Out of Facility’ - ie Out of the Office. The usage of the term ‘OOF’ just stuck, as did the term ‘Little r’ (e.g. on an email sent to a distribution list, "Who wants to go to the cinema tonight? Little ‘r’ if you’re interested", meaning reply just to me) - as preserved in Outlook with CTRL+R for Reply, and CTRL+SHIFT+R (aka Big R) for Reply All. -
August 1, 2013Servers Ultimate - Android Apps auf Google Play
★★Run over 60 servers with over 70 protocols!★★ Now you can run a CVS, DC Hub, DHCP, DLNA, DNS, DDNS, eDonkey, Email (POP3 / SMTP), FTP Proxy, FTP, FTPS, Flash Policy, Git, Gopher, HTTP Snoop, ICAP, IRC Bot, IRC, ISCSI, Icecast, LPD, Load Balancer, MQTT, Memcached, MongoDB, MySQL, NFS, NTP, NZB Client, Napster, PHP and Lighttpd, PXE, Port Forwarder, Proxy, RTMP, Remote Control, Rsync, SMB/CIFS, SMPP, SMS, Socks, SFTP, SSH, Server Monitor, Stomp, Styx, Syslog, TFTP, Telnet, Test, Time, Torrent Client, Torrent Tracker, Trigger, UPnP Port Mapper, VNC, Wake On Lan, Web, WebDAV, WebSocket, X11 and/or XMPP server! Start a server easily on the 'Simple' tab or go advanced and add users, allowed IP's and more! Multiple servers can be run at the same time! No root needed, exceptions mentioned below. -
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013DavSync
APP mit automatischem Foto-Upload auf eigenen Webdav Server. Hat leider Probleme mit eigenen CAs. -
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013Domain Check & Webhosting für alle guenstig zu kaufen
Der Provider bei dem ich meine Domains liegen habe -
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013LDAP ToolBox (LTB) - Welcome on LTB project
provides a self service portal with OpenLDAP -
July 30, 2013Tox (Pre-alpha)
Secure messaging for everyone, coming soon. With the rise of widespread government monitoring programs, Tox is an easy to use application that allows you to connect with friends and loved ones without anyone else listening in. -
July 30, 2013
July 29, 2013
July 29, 2013MIT OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials
Never complain that you're bored ever again. This is an amazing resource, check it out. This resource (and many others like it) has been available for a long time. People just don't know about it! So check it out, and TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Spread the knowledge. -
July 28, 2013
July 28, 2013
July 27, 2013
July 26, 2013
July 25, 2013Morning Coffee :: Add-ons for Firefox
Morning Coffee mit Chrome/Chromium nutzen? Unter Linux hilft das folgende Script. Da Morning Coffee die jeweiligen Link Kategorien in einfache Textdateien speichert können diese einfach über Shell Skripte ausgelesen und verarbeitet werden. #!/bin/bash SITES=$HOME/Backup/Firefox/morningCoffee/sites/Z BROWSER=/usr/bin/chromium-browser while read LINE; do $BROWSER $LINE done < $SITES -
July 24, 2013