August 16, 2013Migrating calendars from horde to zarafa
Modifiziertes Skript, verschiebt alle Termine um die in timedelta angegebene Zeit: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys from icalendar import Calendar, Event from datetime import timedelta # events are off by two hours timedelta=timedelta(hours=-1) # default ical_file="test.ical" # input file try: ical_file=sys.argv[1] except IndexError: pass cal = Calendar.from_ical(open(ical_file,'rb').read()) for component in cal.walk(): if == "VEVENT": try: #component['rrule'] dtstart = component.decoded('dtstart') dtend = component.decoded('dtend') new_dtstart=dtstart + timedelta new_dtend =dtend + timedelta new_cal=Calendar() new_cal.add('dtstart',new_dtstart) new_cal.add('dtend',new_dtend) component['dtstart']=new_cal['dtstart'] component['dtend']=new_cal['dtend'] except KeyError: pass new_ics_filename = "corrected_" + ical_file newics_file = open(new_ics_filename, 'wb') cal_as_ical=cal.to_ical() newics_file.write(cal_as_ical) newics_file.close() Braucht python-setuptools && easy_install icalendar -
August 15, 2013OwnHack: Import ICS to OwnCloud via cronjob
Könnte auch anderweitig funktionieren -
August 15, 2013Import calendar or feed from CLI
Leider Owncloud spezifisch -
August 14, 2013
August 14, 2013
August 13, 2013zarafa-scripts
git repo with some scripts -
August 13, 2013
August 10, 2013
August 8, 2013
August 8, 2013
August 7, 2013yaffas/z-admin: Weboberfläche zur Administration von Zarafa
Nur einen Teil der Nutzer lokal halten, alle anderen Mails extern zustellen: eine Lösung über die Oberfläche ist nicht geplant, aber über die Konfiguration müsste dies möglich sein. Dazu die Datei /etc/postfix/transport anlegen. Der Inhalt sollte so lauten: lmtp: lmtp: smtp:[] Danach noch einmal (und nach jeder Änderung) "postmap /etc/postfix/transport" aufrufen. In der Datei /etc/postfix/ muss das ganze noch aktiviert werden: transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport Damit wäre der Versand abgedeckt. Für den Empfang muss das Konto extern vorhanden sein, da auch externe Nachrichten dort empfangen werden. Dieses kann man aber per Fetchmail abholen lassen. Dazu gibt es in Yaffas aber die Oberfläche. Reminder: bei Angabe von [ & ] liefert Postfix direkt an den (DNS-)Eintrag, ohne die Klammern ruft Postfix den MX Eintrag hierfür ab. -
August 5, 2013Schwäbisch Übersetzer
Translate Deutsch -> Schwäbisch -
August 5, 2013Getting Real: Tough Love (by 37signals)
when it comes to feature requests, the customer is not always right. if we added every single thing our customers requested, no one would want our products -
August 5, 2013
August 5, 2013Creating Passionate Users: Featuritis vs. the Happy User Peak
give users what they actually want, not what they say they want. and whatever you do, don't give them new features just because your competitors have themb -
August 5, 2013The cost of being everything to everyone by Matt Linderman of 37signals
Success, as measured by installed base or revenue, doesn’t strongly corrolate to quality. A lot of mediocre products are extremely successful, and a lot of extremely successful products are mediocre. I can’t argue that Microsoft Word or Firefox haven’t been successful, and I won’t argue that they don’t deserve their success. They both try to be everything to everyone, and they’ve largely achieved that, hence their success. But, like most independent or small developers, I have neither the resources nor the desire to be everything to everyone, and I don’t like the experience of using most products that were designed in that way. Being everything to everyone incurs huge costs in complexity, reliability, and efficiency that I can’t afford, that I can’t tolerate in products I use, and that can’t result in a product I can be proud of. -
August 5, 2013ignore the code: Removing Features
Applications have a natural tendency to grow. If you don’t pay attention, what started out as an elegant, simple application that perfectly solves a single problem, can quickly turn into a huge behemoth of an application that solves a ton of problems, but solves all of them poorly. Features are always more complex than you think, and many small features quickly add up to one large mess. -
August 3, 2013
August 3, 2013lanceseidman/PiCAST · GitHub
Turn a $35 Raspberry Pi in to a Chromecast like Device, for FREE -
August 3, 2013